Friday, February 25, 2005

Tonight's play

Wow. Up more than 90 dollars in about 3 hours at the $20 NL tables. Sweet.

Early in the evening, I had a misclick that cost me about 15 dollars. I meant to bet about $2.00 and bet $17.60 on the turn. Unfortunately all I had was a pair of aces and somebody else had just hit a straight. Craptacular. I quit immediately and took some time off. I had already been up so much that I still booked an $8.00 profit for that part of the evening though. So I felt ok.

The rest of the evening just kept being positive. Lots of crazy bad players. Like one guy who insisted on calling my pre-flop reraise, then re-raising me on the flop when a Q hit: he had Q5 and I had AQ! And A hit on the turn, I went all-in, and he called!! Crazy stuff. Another guy called a preflop raise with QT, I had QQ. Rags on the flop, I bet out, he flat calls with nothing. T on the turn, I bet again, he raises me all-in! Unreal. Makes it easy to win money wow.

A bunch of people playing things like K6 and K3 and hitting their K and thinking they were good. One guy had $50 at the table, he re-raised on the flop and it turned out he was playing K2o from out of position but at least he had hit two pair before he reraised. I guess he counted as a "good" player.

The biggest hand of the night went like this. I had KQ of spades in BB. One guy raises, we all call. About $3.00 and 5 of us to the flop. The turn has JTx with one spade: open-ended top straight draw and backdoor 2nd nut flush draw for me. Not bad. I check it, somebody bets about $2.00, 4 people call! (I'm the last to call, so I'm definitely getting the odds.) Turn is a spade, so I have the flush draw still. I check, someone bets, small stack is all-in, call, call, bigger stack is all-in, call, call. 4 of us in the pot. A 9 hits on the river for my straight and I win. From $15 to $46 in one hand. Sweetness.

Anyway, a great night. Decent play, terrible opponents. I didn't try to make any plays almost all night long. I took down one pot without cards that I remember, that's all. Not sure if I tried to take down any more. My cards were either terrific or terrible, so I was playing for real or folding. Good stuff.

One probable bad play made me money. I limped in and then called a raise from a small stack with QTo. Everybody else folds & we're heads-up. I didn't think the small stack necessarily had much. Anyway, the flop came QTx, he went all-in, I called and won. He had AA so I was very very lucky that time.


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