Wednesday, March 02, 2005

When I go on tilt, BABY do I go on tilt. Crap!!!

OK, so I start playing Monday night. I am quickly up about 12 bucks when my TT busts a guy playing A9 who catches his 9. He check-raises, bets all streets, all-in. Sheesh. The idiots who play on this site, I'm thinking to myself.

But then I start to get cocky, or stupid, or both. I don't know wtf I was thinking, but the next thing I know I'm making a big flop raise and then calling an all-in re-raise when I have only TPTK. And of course he has the set and I'm now down 7 bucks for the night.

"It's OK, I'll get it back. These guys suck." Kent, listen to me here: you will NOT make money with that attitude. Seriously. Play slightly scared the whole time, that's the only good place to play from. Overconfidence will destroy you.

So here's the hand that loses me another buy-in. I'm already on tilt as the hand starts and I can feel it in my bones. My brain is telling me that I NEED to bust somebody NOW. Probably the other worst emotion possible to have.

I am dealt the 8 and 5 of diamonds on the cutoff. A guy from EP comes in with a raise to $1.80 (20c is the big blind, so this is a big raise). I am putting him on a pretty darn good hand, but I call just to see if I can flop something big and bust him.

Flop: T85 with two hearts. Sweet!!!! I check, he bets $2.40, I call. I want him to put in more money. How stupid is that? I mean, I have to bet here don't I?

Turn: another heart. Uh-oh. Now I could be in trouble. But I doubt he has the flush. He bets another $2.40. I just flat call again. WTF is up with that? You have to raise big here!!!

River: another heart. Now he bets 10 bucks. He has about 3 bucks left, so do I. What do I do? I am SO ANGRY THAT I BLEW THIS HAND that I go all-in. Unbelievable. He calls of course with the Ace of hearts for the nut hand and I am toast. He was playing AQo, so any decent raise I made he would have folded on previous streets. At the very least I could have put him all-in on the turn, so he's drawing to just a few outs. Maybe he wins anyway but at least I'm not a moron in that case.

Is it POSSIBLE to play any worse than that? I don't think it is! Wow.

So I quit for the night down 30 bucks. Unbelievable how stupid I can be when I'm feeling unbeatable and angry at the same time. Wow wow wow wow wow. Wow!

At least I have the sense to quit when I'm getting killed.

God what a moronic play. I'm embarrassed to post it.

So I didn't play at all yesterday. Still angry at myself. Plus it was Warcraft night with my friends. We won a bunch of games. Felt good. But no cash comes with it. Strange, that....

Back at it tonight. Properly chastened, and much smarter, I hope.


At 3/03/2005 3:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Scary, it's like looking into a mirror. It so easy to overrate yourself and see the other players as morons - and ending up being the moron yourself. I have done it also, many times. I have taken to putting post-it notes on the side of the screen saying - You are mortal. It seems to help, sometimes. Nonetheless, I enjoyed your honesty and feel sympathy for you, since I have been where you are (and will probably end up there again)

At 3/03/2005 4:10 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey there kent.

Like the blog. Keep working at it, and cut out those dumbass plays! From the looks of your steady BR increase I think you'll be ready to get up towards the $100 games in a few months.


At 3/06/2005 12:49 PM, Blogger drwerewolf said...

Thanks for the supportive replies, guys. Great to know somebody actually reads this occasionally.

Playing better now. Hard to play worse....


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